Right.. because Halo 3 doesn't run exactly the same way and it definitely doesn't run on exactly the same servers.
Too bad I beat that score with my own 29 million days before you got 19 mill.
Client Side Hit Detection.. that sounds like a great idea. Server: "Hey Client, did you hit this guy?" Client: "Yea I hit him, and every other...
I determine that a game is good by checking the title. If it is not named Bioshock, Mass Effect, Mario Galaxy, or Call of Duty 4 then it is...
Not that I want to go around reviving old topics but, since I'd already taken the picture... [img] That's what my personal gaming setup looks...
The avatar is an old, silly picture of me that I photoshopped. For some reason I have neglected several oppurtunities to acquire a camera phone,...
Warner Bros is now Blu-Ray exclusive, a move likely to cause what little support remaining for HD DVD to falter and disappear.
The Mancannon thing is definitely a bug, although one other thing I have noticed is that forging with others online can result in two completely...
Well as long as you're not a game reviewer or some equivalent being then your perspective should be taken into account by those pondering the...
I have no idea what causes it but I have experienced this problem. It is easily recreated. You'll just have to compensate for it.
That was actually a retarded lie put forth by game reviewers, that resulted in concrete proof that the entire game review industry is a sham...
Re: District - A well thought out map for casual gameplay. Lots of Screenies! More spawns. No spawns next to each other. Add more weapons: Brute...
Crysis runs as smoothly as any other game when you max out the settings. Turn on any anti-aliasing at all... and the FPS drops to **** no matter...
Re: District - A well suited map for casual gameplay. Lots of Screenies! Mike says No.
Skyllius said so on his own forums. He has not yet recovered his gamertag because he does not want to interfere with the investigation into the...
By the time you posted this Skyllius has already gotten his account back and the person who hacked the account is going to be SEVERELY dealt with....
Perhaps if it were a Vista Gadget.
Hence why I said WWII based. Its an evolution of the previous WWII games in the series. And I have been debating purchasing it for the PC. I...
The average consumer does not know about such things. The theory has been put out there that Microsoft is only doing JUST ENOUGH to keep HD DVDs...