So should this thread be locked then. Or are you gonna battle it out again in this thread.
Nice Beard. And mustache. Does it tickle when your GF kisses it. Hehehehehe.
KK. Dawg.
Are you gonna make the siggy or no? You dun have too.
Lol. Just look up Left 4 Dead character pictures. Do you even play xbox?
I miss you. Goose.
What... What.... NOOOO U!!!!!! But in all seriousness. Im gonna have to ask you a favor. I want to see if you can make a better sig then...
You. You.. You... silly goose. With the frag, and the man, and the...... something.
Left 4 Dead. But I want all of the character in it. Zoey, Francis, Bill, and Louis. And maybe try to incorporate the zombies into it. If not...
im different!
Diz. Diz has nice color to it. Frag Man's is just too plain. Also Diz has a really nice texture to it. I really just love the way it looks.
I dun no about what that is. I dont speak Photoshop.
Very funny...
Yavi. That ***** you had over in your room the other night was silly. By the way.... you were drunk.
Wait.... Are you makin the siggy for teh awesome gui? Me....
K be on tommorrow.
Good. Can you get online now so I can download it? ]
You silly man. You and your Lord of the Rings silliness.
You! How are teh maps?