You! HAppy! Birthday! Silly! Irishmen! I love you. Did you get a mic for live yet?
... you know what I mean. Anyway that keycode for halo pc better be real. OR im flying to florida and kickin some serious ass.
Tried installing it with 50 different versions. None of them worked. I hate you. I want 2 hours of my life back.
Lol. Nice edit. Anyway Im pretty sure that if there is any space under it, that it is going to be small. And like somebody said above, I hope...
Do you have Halo PC?
Bungie doesnt make Red Vs Blue. And also will somebody please put what tucker said about it in here?
nom nom u
It would be dark and perfect for building an infection map which is what people want.
You and me. We are in harmony. And are making a kinky map. Have fun in Florida.
You got to change your custom title. Far Cry 2 related.
The gameplay changed drastically with CoD 3. It was a lot more slow paced and it had vehicles like jeeps in it. Which made it suck. And CoD2...
Desert it. Hide... with your 360 and a Tv and internet and labtop. Screw the wedding. And build a map. I kid but good luck when you get...
Thats really odd. Usually the USA gets the games first. Damn you ensemble and your european ways.
Well that screen didnt help too much. Not one bit really for me.
It could be a well of some sort.
It isnt the **** zombie map. Look around the statue. You can see an enemy firing. Im not sure what this is. The guy in the back looks like a...
Yea I just realized that. Dammit. Anyway I cannot ****ing wait till they confirm underneath sandbox. It has to be true. Has to be.
This is probably the most viewed thread since the 1000000 post party countdown. I think its more. Anyway "An excavation site surrounded by...
What is with your sig? ]