Well.... In simple terms, If you know about the 4 campaigns: Death Toll, Dead Air, No Mercy, and Blood Harvest, Death Toll and Dead Air are being...
You have too much wazface. You need more navi and shanon face.
you have 111 friends. You plan on making more?
So I herd you like Pre DLC...
Left 4 Dead is 100% the best choice of a game to get at the moment right now. The new DLC is coming out soon and its free, so I recommend that...
read. I edited my first post
Now that you have done that. I sort of agree with your point. The staff isnt corrupt but they are quite picky. They are just doing the job of...
Sonic the HedgeHog 2. I loved it. Played it with my friend all the time. I was 4 when I was playing it too. I could never get passed the...
Lock please
link please?
Wait. Do you have Halo PC? Cuz I need help getting modded maps onto it.
I need to get a Product Key. Does anybody have one that I can have? If so please Private Message me?
Is the keycode the product key? Cuz I need that too.
I luv you!!!!!!! LUV!!!!!!!!! U!!!!!!!!! U SILLY REDNECK. You do a great impression of a russian. Its true. I luv you.
Are you working on the map at all?
*CLAP CLAP CLAP* Everybody clap for AZN. He geomerged himself today! WOOHOO! Anyway im incredibly happy that the pancake theory is real. Im...
And here I've been thinking that you were 17 or 18. Wow. Your practically my age. LOL!
Wait. Your only 15? Or is that a lie about your age.
I believe. So it better be ****in real.