Re: Hotel check in... For Hotel Zanzibar(updated so walls are fixed...) Hmm, I haven't downloaded it yet, but telling by your screenshots it...
What are you talking about? GeeVee uploads directly from your fileshare in a matter of a few days. The videos I have uploaded using GeeVeeGrab...
I use it because it allows me to exert my creativity to create something cool for others here at ForgeHub. I wouldn't exactly say forge relaxes me...
I searched around a bit but I didn't find any topics that already exist here; if there already is one, please moderate this topic as needed....
Oh, I bet I'm going to get flamed at least once from this one :P. Way back when, the first MMORPG I ever played, which was Runescape (._.), I had...
Seems like some nice advice, I'll scratch down those weapon guidelines for my next project. Why no equipment though?
Hmm, I know this is may be a bit more difficult, but is it possible with other vehicles? (I'm at not at access to my 360 right now, so I can't try...
Ok, I'll consider it then. Thanks so much! :)
No no, that's quite alright. So is that what the guilders have? (Bungie Pro?)
Hey everyone. I realize this question is probably dead-obvious (especially since every on ForgeHub is a forger), but as I'm very interested in...
Very interesting, I'm going off to check it out right now.
One of the most amazing race maps I have seen! Bravo! :squirrel_rocking:
I downloaded the demo, but it didn't really appeal to much to me. I suppose it's because I enjoy Test Drive Unlimited more than any other racing...
I'm going to have to go with Foundry. It's a sort of 'everything' map, because (if you have the canvas) it incorporates a 'sandbox' sort of...