This map looks realy cool ill dl when i get home
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Edit: The Max. Players is messed up it's supposed to be...
hey if u want any help or insparation send me a message on xbl gt smokyminer i recently finished a great normandy map heres a quick preview...
What u could do is make a map thats om the beach like d-day then first u would have to capture the beach then bonb open part of the base where the...
This is my new forge map. Its a remake of my halo 3 d-day. I'ts almost done. Tell me what you think. YouTube - Halo Reach Smoky's Forges : D-Day...
Ya i cant figure out how to put any objectives or any thing
(I no longer need help thanks to Noobforgerontheloose. Thanks for helping!) I realy need help Im making an above average D-Day map and im trying...
Hey I really think this is a good idea. I love mazes but there just not as scary as I wish & when I read about this one i thought it would be the...
Thanks for the info and ur opinion ur comment made me smile :) and i dont realy expect anyone to download cause halo reach is out i just whanted...
Sorry for the double/triple post didnt mean to/relize/or now how to. I never said i was i professional map maker and who gives about sentence...
P.S. The new halo reach version (somthing I thot I wouldnt do) is in the prosses of bing made so ya when its done ill post so far its the best ive...
Hey,......................This is my ferst post and ,..and, a little nervous,...............I..a...I probably scrooded somthing up...(spelling...