So then what is the difference between this and the normal method?
Which objects can float like this? I tried using a container, and nothing happened. It falls immediately after spawning.
I don't get it. What objects can float like this?
The two character models are generally in debate as to which is better. The majority of Halo players play as Spartans. I as well as my clan, The...
A Boundary for what? It is all the way by the big base.
Re: JOUST on the Courtyard! That gives me an idea.
So what is the purpose of the hill?
Is there a way to control where the Juggernaut spawns?
Re: JOUST on the Courtyard! Well I tried the "bunch of Mongooses" idea, but it both defeats the purpose of the name Joust and doesn't work...
Jousting, the medieval pastime of old. Also my state's official sport. Each team of red and blue get a Mongoose. ONe person drives, the other...
And finally, one Chopper shot does not flip you over instantly. It takes several, WELL-AIMED shots to flip you completely. SUre you'll get pushed...
Sharks and Minnows, with an explosive twist!
Hello, I am Chdu 'Risulee, or better known as Sir Brane Damuj (not by much.). I am a loyal member of the Sovereign Guard, a Sangheili clan well on...
I know it would blow it up, but it currently is the only way I see of having true Neutral flag.
Can you have more than one team on CTF? And my idea was to just do Neutral bomb but instead of captures, you bring the bomb to your base to...
Ah, I never thought of that. And yes, I will be sending the Private Message with my tag of the gamer.
Re: Boom: Bomb detonated, base annihilated. That base is actually not what is in the file share. Originally, the front two corners both had...
Re: Boom: Bomb detonated, base annihilated. Ok, I took some from several angles. Check it out.
Re: Boom: Bomb detonated, base annihilated. you know, I never took a screenshot like that. Hold on, I'll fetch one.
One of my favorite things to do in Forge is build catapults. things that use sheer force to just propel your character to superb heights and...