You know, that's what I thought, but a friend of mine pointed out to me that the effect in Vegas is uniform. I'll just quote him from the...
So I was browsing around some Halo story stuff when I stumbled across some ONI file thingy. I tried posting it on my website front page to show...
Hey man I think you need to add some pictures. This may help.
Could you please take some pictures and fix your link? Please and thank you man.
Looks awesome, but it has that Call of Duty 4 Shipment feel.
I don't think it looks good. It seems all you did was add another part to blackout which is just like the two towers. It may be because Blackout...
Wow this does look pretty extreme. The map really does live up to it's name and I like how despite the pictures looking that crowded it really isn't.
Looks spiffy, and I love the "high lands" feel.
Like the others said, these maps don't really have anything that stands out. The problem may be just the maps themselves because, really, foundry...
Looks cool, but doesn't look like a cargo bay at all. I don't see it, but still looks fun.
The bases look awesome and hilly.
This map looks really well done.
I like the little cubbies.
Please fix the pictures. Other than that I can't see what makes the map so special. Personally I don't see anything innovative about it. You could...
Obstacles are cool, but some pictures would be nice.
Beta, Gamma, and Delta seem like the only worthwhile maps only because the others seem... as if not enough work was put into them. Love the...
Seems like you are trying to go for a Gears type of game with all of the cover.
You mind getting pictures further out? Other than that the map looks pretty cool.
Please fix pictures. Oh and I think a huge wall that keeps zombies out has been done before. Try something new, the people have to hunt the zombie!
Eh looks too open.