I'm super enthused for this. I've gotten tired of the DMR's NBL skin and that "Ropes" skin for it looks great.
I sincerely hope this takes off.
I think the screenshots you posted aren't saying a whole lot about the map. Could you maybe post some more? Maybe even have an overview? I'll...
Could you perhaps post more helpful feedback than that? :) Posting that makes it look like you're just trying to increase your post count.
You could post some screenshots of the map to help us help you with it.
I won't be able to give you feedback on the map's gameplay because I wasn't able to run a game here. So if you're planning on testing this, send...
Downloaded. I'll probably check it out once my roommate decides to stop playing COD. :)
I forgot all about this thread. :P Could you post a link to the map beta so I can check this out personally and give you feedback that aren't...
Alright, I walked around in this map in Forge and despite the issues I have with this map that I'm about to say, I actually still like it....
I agree with this. And I know for a fact that many others would too. 2x2 steeps shouldn't really be used as an incline because they're just too...
I walked around in this map in Forge and I am very impressed. This is one of the most good looking Infection maps I've seen. I love how you were...
Hey tom. I walked through this map in Forge mode so I won't be able to give much gameplay feedback. These are some issues I had with the map -...
Hey there. Welcome to Forge Hub!
This looks better than your previous maps, tom. I'll give it a download tomorrow. I'll let you know how it goes. Also, have you been able to...
I did not know that. But that's good information for me since I'm trying to decide whether or not to make my first flood map.
I'm honestly very excited for this map. I hope you finish it soon. And if you need some testers, I'd very much like to join. :) If you can put up...
You fix the hole in the map? :P
Pillar of Autumn? Forward Unto Dawn? Which is it?
Linear or free roam? I can't tell from the screenies.
No one's replying to this and I'm feeling nice today so I'm gonna step up and comment. :) But before I can give you my feedback, do you think you...