I've lost all ability to play competitively with others in the latest fps games, I have a few week period where I can hold my own then I don't win...
I bought it but haven't played it yet. One of my roommates who played it said it was awesome, better than Shadow Broker.
So...apparently the latest Mass Effect 3 DLC is awesome
I hope they have some stuff on it at PAX East
Did not know that, interesting. Brad Pitt was great in that movie.
in with red, out with red :P
in with color, out with color
congrats on the red man
congrats man
congrats cluckin
congrats berb
welcome back on being a purtty color
To break up the monotony of people congratulating you hi
So....site updates. Are they just when recent staff/forum news happens and on an as needed basis now or what? RST didn't give me a whole lot of...
Congrats chron Finally you have something over running chron
Source of what? The javascript or the server? The server is basic network programming with unix sockets.
I dun replied to your reply. It kinda comes off as angry but "we do it when there is news" was not the right thing for staff to say.
writers guild proofread board
did 90% of the work for you journos. I made a site update.
Since the game is all java you could run it right from the web page as an embedded java applet