Just whipped this up [IMG]
just finished these [IMG] v2 [IMG] v3 [IMG]
I was playin some mlg and got matched up in some objective games, and i rly like them, and wondering if anyone wnated to join my team and do...
K Just Made My First Sig, ( Just Started today, no knowledge of gimp or nuthin) Tell Me What You Think [IMG] v2 [IMG]
k, i just got gimp, And i wnat to learn how to make sigs, who can help me with the basics, like, setting a backround, adding pictures to layers, etc.
K, I Just Got Gimp, I Dont Know Anything About It, Someone give me a stock, and some text, i want/need to practice
I Personally Like Orbital just because of the "U" shaped layout, whats your fave, and why?
Who can make the sigs on forge like this? Halo 3 File Details
Yeah, Reply if you can make me one
I was thinking about making a quick montage but, i dont have a cature card and i suck at editing,i have a bunch of vids and i could make more like...