My Top ten Entry Mission: [IMG]
Personal Favourite of my halo pictures . Rate and Comment [IMG]
Yes or No to Obama, think U.S Made a Good Choice? Discuss. gogogo Why oh why?
Group pic. ( Identify yourself ) [IMG] Before (: [IMG] After ): [IMG] like a boss....
idk, i kno i suck lol, dont gotta mention that, i was just experimenting c4d [IMG] v2: [IMG] render: [IMG] This is the local band from my city Welland, theyre pretty good, i like them, just thought i could show the community...
LEMONLIGHT Lemonlight is my first forged map, it is another version of the map Limelight. It has the same idea, just a different layout. Its...
I Might Be Gettin A Cap Card Soon, I Jsut Need To Knw If "Pinnacle Video Capture" is okay to use, because the future shops and besy buy's and all...
Just got back on gimp after a week or so and made these. v1: [IMG] v2: [IMG]
set a custom powerup to x2 overshield anyone?
k, give me a picture and ill make a sig out of it, im practicin, and i am reaaaaaaly bored. so just give me a pic and ill attempt to make a sig...
So Was Downstairs on my computer watchin mlg, the top ten came on and got me in the mood to play,so i run upstairs start a came of MLG and get...
I Have A Video For the FH Top 10 but i dont have a capture card to record it. can anyone record for me?
k, i made this, then just canged the hue and contrast and stuf for the other one [IMG] v2 [IMG] Edit: Photobucket, always ****s up and puts...
i got this sniper tower. and was wondering what kind of map i should make for it. give some iddeas!! [IMG]
This is the new version of my previous sig that failed epicly [IMG]
k, i just made this in like 10 mins for my buddy Mythic. Hes like, the clan wheel man. My Main Focal was the driving spartan, so i just sorta...