[IMG] This is Forgehubs Screenshot of the Week, An Equivilent to the Signature of the Week in the GnA, Accept Pictures. If this goes well, i...
SOTW week entry, not enough time to change it, just want some feedback. I know its bad, you dont have to mention that part.. [IMG]
Ever get really excited and then someone says something negitiveand you die a little? Share your stories. Ive been begging my dad for a laptop...
[IMG] took about an hour and a half.
Cnc [IMG]
Cant find anything good to do. [IMG] With Border [IMG]
I figured it would be cool to have a review thread, that isn't for maps, when you post a review, it will be taken and put into a spoiler on the OP...
I might be getting a new paintball gun, my birthday is soon, and i plan on getting lots of monies just wondering what brands you prefer, i was...
YouTube - live lizard with detached tail still moving ick, just thought i would post D:
Is there a way to save my pics off photobucket or copy them or anything? i want to edit a asig, and i put it on PB on a diff comp, any way to get...
YouTube - Beyoncé - Single Ladies SPOOF (Barack Obama) I Searched, didnt come up, sorry if its up already
[IMG] [spoiler][IMG]
Well, Ryan And I Were Bored, And Decided To Make a GB Team, Just to play around, Nothing Serious, Were Not Amzing EmUlGee 50's But Were Decent, We...
who can render this for me fast? i cant do it, User Media - TinyPic - Free Image Hosting, Photo Sharing & Video Hosting
new brush, ty icee another attempt, actually smudged this time. [IMG]
[IMG] idk, prob to much on the focal but, i thougt id post.
[IMG] To dark?
Anyone have a beginers tut for blending renders? or can help me out with blending renders.
[IMG] idk. cnc?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AIm-Q0RYkBw thanks HG Br K1ng for the review and vid. Enjoy.