This map looks pretty good i like how the stairs interlock in the double box and you can easilly go up them.
Oh yea i played this it just took me a while to get passed the soccer ball part i would download it but i already have it.
I'll Download
Its ok
Hey guys i just re edited the post i gave the wrong hyperlink for the game type but now i fixed it
Spotlight 3.75 Made By Xkreep Gametype: Infection *I See You* Description: Human- You are a prison inmate and a friend has just set a bomb and...
Shipment Made By Xkreep Gametypes:Team Slayer, Assault, Territories, V.I.P,& Oddball (If you want). Shipment is a crate storage map that...
Its a download for me but one question Is their money left?
Wow and i just started racing maps and now.... I'm done. Thx for post crouch b4 i clicked on it.
Spotlight 3.0 Made By Xkreep Gametype: Infection *I See You* Description: Human- You are a prison inmate and a friend has just set a bomb and...
The Elevator By Xkreep Game Variant: Infection (Fat Kid) Note* Do not give the alpha zombie gravity hammers it will result in some cheap kills...
How do you imbed them? Im new
Hampton Inn By Xkreep Gametype: Infection game varient: Hide N Seek Description: You are in a 3 story hotel with many rooms. Their is an...
How do you upload your maps? I'm also new