Great map but if you put it on avalance and made 3 pelicans on one side and 3 phantoms on the other that would be a great map for slayer,ctf,KoTH,...
If any of you want to check out my new H-Ween map pack feel free to the link. Also i am making another map that hopefully will be posted sometime...
The zombies spawn on the other side of the map which is a good distance for the humans so you have some time to hide and get a different weapon.
I had fixed the map link to stranded it was wrong link it went to the game type
everyone check out my new HALOWEEN MAP PACK
Here is a Haloween Map Pack 3 Maps PRESENTED AND MADE By:Xkreep FIRST UP IS STATION #47 Visit this link to original thread i had too much...
This is an ok map its just that the maps been done many times before, you've got to add scenery in the backround and play a few games with it make...
Nice map and good interlocking could show a little more screenshots but thats ok but this is a 4.5/5 for me.
To me this doesnt seem like the best map. The traps are kinda old and fun houses have been done so many time 2.5/5 Its just that you've got to...
Nice map is this a regular race or rocket race?
Yea i thought about the cops spawning near the cells that was kinda bad so i made it up a story they just have an overview of most of the cells.
I dont think this is very good its kinda plain, Also you have posted this in the wrong section.
Great map ive played before and it was fun its just... that you didnt make this map
Yea and after the crate you are free outside to do whatever you want.
Not bad man i think this deserves the download. You actually took the time to merge 4/5
Who cares if he has recon anyways i doubt he has it. Bungie said theirs going to be a way to get recon, and theres a new armor for all the...
I like the fireplace idea and the helicopter 4.5/5
I think the picture could be better if you have the effects turned off and then showed us everything but i give it a 3.5/5
Neat race map. Its nice to see a race on something other than sandtrap, foundry, or avalance once in a while.
Well yea but i wasnt talking about that but still good map.