wats forgeday if u dont mind me asking.
cuz the gold represents a moderator for u so i thought u might knw
also is the little meter thing on my thing that says usnc thing wat is that
oo ok just checking
also isnt spamming where u repeat the same message over and over again or has that changed. With different people that run different stuff
ok and that would be a 3 day one right.
ok kool just wondering and that would be a 3 day one right.
wat does event staff do? by any chance
is there a roof on the pathway or did u just not show it.
the map almost looks like the middle of onslaught
the maps looks kool but u could of interlocked some of those walls that form the first and second floors just gives a little cleaner look towards...
how many infractions do u get until ur temporary ban?
this map looks pretty kool and ur last picture sparcked a lot of ideas for my 6th map ill be working on this week Thank you so much light soul
ur maps are so kool i am very impressed with them. They are off the charts u have a nice and smooth feeling in ur maps.
Vice not bad that looks really kool of a infection map. It looks like a part of a ninja warrior thing going on or an american gladiator thing...
i like the map all but the part where invis is at cause its really easy to eliminate any 1 in there with 2 grenades.
this map looks really really sexy cant wait to get home and play with this baby she looks very sexy.
good looking map questioning if big enough for 2v2. I think my map most likely would be better for 2v2 but im going to see if the map is...
ok but there is just a slight problem see my maps all need spawns and weapons like br's and pistols all the main ideal wepaons are placed just the...
hey dude do u think u could come help me out with a map of mine its all finished just needs weapons and spawns do u think u could help?