the only problem is no geomerging or at least i havent found it
yeah dont knw wat software u guys used for it but that person totally is kool.
do u knw the map with the huge circle tower thats a midevil style map like theres that wraith infront of the wall held down do u knw wat map im...
ive been on the whole time ive been on
the website is wat i couldnt do the foundry designer is kick ass.
yeah ur right i guess i could if i was at my house i was joking with u.
wat the difference between moderator and journalist
yeah but i guess shouldnt expect nothing less from a moderator
the like switching images over and over again thing. picture
ill be fine just got to get used to the stuff. Losts of rules around here
shits weak right now for me
i knw man they sent me that point thing for spamming isnt spamming where u send repeated message of the same thing. To get something out to people...
u play custom games to much
wats up insane
nice picture
looks interesting though.
thanks man yeah i dont think ill be able to participate for about 2 mabey 3 weeks but ill check it out im out of town and when i get back i really...
wat is forgeday by any chance?
yeah im alittle pissed im not at my house running three computers and my xbox i would post like 6 maps up. On threads and im disapointed that i...