I like... I loved this make I played and enjoyed it... I just have a question we can't use the warthog i wonder if they are there just for...
Well... Not really i dont think americans would take it offensively but i played this make its good... Its fun to play.
Wow... Pretty picture... Who took it its nice, if you took it thats great i like it.
I need visitors
Yup... I wouldn't mine testing your map message me my gamertag is Paliut1992.
Yup Yup I think Predator does suck i think alien is cooler....:eek:
LOL neat that is freakin funny you should take a video.
Well I believe I wasn't terrible but I wasn't good either I think I improved after playing forge longer and longer...
Nice I think my marking your map w/ an "M" is good but whar is the M made of....