the best ive seen and who ever says its not they could... plz dont report me
it looks plain in a good way very fun looking
It looks very indutrial looking if u know what i mean.... by the way how did u post the pics i find that hard to do..
my gamertag is paliut1992 ill be on if u need help mssg me
yeah would u eat lincons 5 dollars for 5 doallars i dare u too....:D:mad::)
interlocking would be nice but it looks good....sadly i am not the first post
Sweet map i like the way it looks very detailed...
i dont know how to make kool sigs like you is it a website or wat?:eek:
dude this freaking sweet by the way how do u put pics on posted maps i find that hard to do
It looks amazing i think its very inovative if that makes sense lol...
Outstanding It looks huge and cool i cant wait to play it
I was wondering wouldn't it be nice if we had events that got a group of forgers every week that have proved them selfs good forgers to join up...
Yes.. I am very new as you can see and a lot of people are not quite nice but i fing people that actually are nice... Well they are nice so far lol
Well.... I like all but my favorite is the 2 swords and the under the floor in snowbound.:p
Welcome HomieG54 To the legion of forgers...
Nice... i love how this map looks i amgoing to download it...
Can you post something one mine my profile is lonely lol i will appreciate it
Hello there
Nice Nice, I like a lot i want mine with water cooling.
Amazed... There are n words to describe this map its breathtaking to me. I have a question how long did this make take to build?... Any who...