ill be honest to u i like the idea but u should work on it a lot more its looks dull....
dont worry bout it im not well known either lol
it looks somethihg people like to call unique
looks very unique i have to admit that i like how all those man cannons make it look nice lol
i think this an oustanding and ingenius map i have to admit this is really good
nice way of interlocking the boxes i enjoyed looking at the pics no i musty doenload
it looks unique i like the aura it give out
i like the gate i looks scary and awsome but its true a couple more pics would made a difference
it looks awsome i think u can perfect it a lot more but its looks good
looks neat very creative and well made
looks sweet man thats awsome
ill try to help my gamertag is Paliut1992 (like my username)
hahahaha thats one story u can tell wow thats a very slim chance that happenes wow u should of laughed ur butt of when u saw the video
amazing and outsanding i never seen something so breathtaking
finally some one makes something creative on this map crongrats!!!
looks like sumthing u would see in a horror movie lol
i played it and enjoyed evry min of it
i think it looks dull try to make it a little more nice looking but other than that it looks decent
very creative i enjoy challenging games and i think this is one of them good job
outstanding i like thw way it looks