Never heard of that map until now :p It does look nice but the only thing it has in common is spaceships being there, looking cool. I still...
I don't know if this has been answered yet, but will there be an Invasion section added - or do we have to fit Invasion maps in Competitive, MLG,...
Yeah, I could post some drawings but that would be derailing the thread... <.< >.> [spoiler] Anyways, thanks ^^ Btw edited the OP...
Thanks :-) And are you refering to this drawing? [img] If so, the Core won't be on a corner - the image was just showing where the...
Thank you Sure ^^ I'll try to gather a bunch of people once I make the map (maybe a small version first) and think it is polished enough for...
(::) nom nom nom 3:) <--- that's a bitten cookie [drop pods] Are too clunky and gimmicky - if someone ever gets them right and makes it...
Thank you for the Edit tip :-) And thanks Haris ^^
1) Yeah, that sounds better. The flow of people (too much of X on one side) might imbalance the game too much as it is right now. I could fix the...
Yep - of all things, that is the least probable to be possible to work haha I read somewhere that you could ajust the power of mancannons, but...
@RivalMass Invasion is (will be) a fun, fun mode to mess around in Forge. A lot of creative ideas [making phased maps with multiple stages]...
And I will be watching you..... wat? Well the Titans themselves don't attack eachother. But at the Core phase both teams will have Falcons /...
TITAN MODE - Invasion map / game variant MAP IS FINISHED! Final thread today vvvv Last update! Just finished the map :-) Here is a preview...
hahaha! Can you imagine if that was possible? You would see the map upside down while shooting, in inverted xD Man would that make everyone sick...
The drawings were :-) I made a preview thread promising the full thread would be up the next day. So I did most of them in a couple of hours...
Yeah, it's all rushed though haha
TITAN MODE - Invasion map / game variant Cinematic over-edited obvious bullshot [img] Here is the overview [img] I was inspired by A 3...