Um, wow. You're not running for president you know. No need to badger the poor guy. Not to mention he just said he coyuldn't edit the post. He...
I personally always found that floating maps always lack something. Although Ive never been able to say what exactly. Maybe I've just been playing...
Haha, yeah, I have a habit of typing up mini-essays. But if you look at it this way, with so many idiots on the internet already (and on this...
I think, to be honest, any map has the capability to be epic so long as the forger has enough originality (or spontaneous fluke when it comes to...
I'd wouldn't mind a bit of that action. For testing or judging, I don't really mind. I'd like to feel important as a judge, but otherwise, testing...
Thats actually a really nice Idea. But as Tex said, I'm not entirely sure about it's creation. Maybe in Foundry, and that's only a maybe, would...
Nice save XD Nice idea, did you get it from the Infection thread? ("Why does everyone like infection so much" or something like that). Either...
Another wall. I should just start a blog or something I swear. To be honest, there are a lot of reasons to hate Infection, most of them due to...
This looks really nice, Q'd it. But those gametypes, what exactly do they comprise of? Are they absolutely necessary or is it just an ease of...
I hate to be the voice of reason (I haven't been here nearly long enough for that), but I would presume that he has a reason for wanting to know,...
Somewhat undeveloped and incoherent post FTW! Wow. Ta, didn't really think about it that way. I guess different people look at things in...
Hey there. I've been around since the very beginning, and over time a couple of things have arisen that have always perked my interest, and I...
I have to admit, when I first saw the walls I thought "That's a shame", because the map looked brilliant and the weapon layout fair etc, but the...
Haha, nah, I've been here since the beginning. I just haven't been a member for long. I remember the original website even! (Vaguely) And I...
I have to admit that to a certain extent I agree with the idea of featured maps not being as good as they used to be. This one, actually, I really...
Because, simply put, a lot of people are dullards who just want to camp in a corner or impenetrable tower and get lots of kills. Of course, there...