Like Mallet said, playing with run-times should do it surely? Except I would have said minimum rather than maximum for a split-second delay on...
For some reason their censor dislikes "etc." too :S
Seems like maybe its just me, but I truly hated the online play. The campaign is entertaining enough, if a little short. Good fun with a friend...
Way to not read the thread. Look up just a leeeetle, and you'll see that he's removed that armory now. Looks nice Logic. Also nice to see...
This looks fantastic. The shield door territory marker looks especially good. As do the weird spawn-changing timed events. Very nice. Hopefully...
Excellent, I was hoping you'd get around to making it. I was gonna try it myself, but I got caught up with all manner of laziness.
Thanks. I don't get the opportunity to play with large-ish numbers very often (I don't like matchmaking and I'm rarely on at the same times as my...
I hate to say it, because I am not a rude person, but the map does look hideously imbalanced. This, I'm afraid, is a prime example of why so many...
Wow.. I was about to say no, I was inspired merely by the Infection itself, and how it should be. But I've just checked out Traxus, and it is...
Yeah, ok. I've edited the opening post, so now the new/alternate version is in there. The only thing is, no-one is likely to ever see it. Well,...
^^ Fixed Do you think that maybe the problem is your naming convention? That's like if I called my new gametype MLG, and it was actually all...
Y'all who instantly dismissed this map, you're pathetic. Try a map before you judge it as bad, whether it looks good or not. I haven't played it,...
Whether or not you made this map, I'll say the mapwork looks very nice. The only thing I can say is that I have played it before, and whilst...
I'm sorry... who has been assassinated since Halo 3 came out? Silly Jack That said, I believe games can have a negative effect in some cases,...
It occurs that whilst sigs detract from the topic to an extent, it's not like a sig will make your argument more or less valid, and nor will it...
For all those agreeing with the news reporters, I would like to (again) point out that much of it came from Fox "News". Essentially meaning that...
"Until we meet again, and you eventually yet inevitably die once more" Seems somewhat more a realistic approach. What can I say? I'm a cynic
Hmm, fair enough. See, I don't think its enough to warrant a new thread, and in normal circumstances I would simply post that there was an...
Infection! So long as it's good Infection. Of course, actually finding good Infection games to play is the challenge. Failing that,...
Not sure if this is the right forum, as it doesn't really fit specifically into any, but fits best into this I think... maybe... sort of......