Sounds pretty cool, I remember playing something almost like this back on Halo 2. But not that similar XD I look forward to seeing the end...
Time to stick my oar in again :D Whether or not you agree with Interlocking, I don't think it can be denied that the forum has become overrun by...
Thanks for the above, I'm glad you like it. Thinking about it, I could have done with a few more aesthetic touches, although off the top of my...
In an odd turn of events, I'm finding myself agreeing with Asper, not Lightsout on this final point. I'm not saying you're wrong as such Lights,...
Rally Point Bravo on Crows nest can net you about 70 kills in 6 minutes. Comes to about 700 per hour, 4200 for a day's work (6 Hours). More if...
Ooh, pretty :p I really like the flowing feel I get from the pictures, and the gametype sounds entertaining too. Hope you don't mind that I'll...
I hear that. Goddamn spam :'( But thinking about it, even if only a few maps on here are good, we still get the best of the best, because...
Yeah? Thanks. I was worried it was a little long. I swear, I start off writing something and it ends up getting bigger and bigger until it's...
I have to admit, I'm inclined to agree on the most part, but there are still a number of maps released that at least deserve a look. A lot of the...
1) Set the box to not spawn at the start of the game, and use tleporters to secure the stairs in position (don't forget reciever nodes on top of...
Hey, just wanted to check if you got my message. Not here to beg and whine, don't care about rep to be honest. Just wanted to clear things up. I'm...
At this point, the original topic is dead anyway. This discussion is all that's left XD Anyway: Dang AZN, bad showmanship. It's been said...
Hmmm... I can't get the damn thing to download. Anyone else having trouble? I can queue it, but when it tries to download on Halo, it fails :S
Yeah, I've seen most of those thanks. Searched Conquest a while back. I was just wondering about those two because I'd not seen them. Figured they...
Hey! I love both Infection and Conquest! I'm not I? Haha, no, I see what you mean though. To be honest, this seems like the natural...
Psssst! Try reading his post *conspiratorial wink* I like it! It's been a while since I've seen anyone post an Infection gametype that seemed...
Awww, such a kind old dear XD Fair enough, like I said, I haven't actually had an opportunity to even download it yet (my connection seems to...
Version 3?! When did that happen? Also, Reminence and Cliffhanger both seem to be null links.
Or we could be slightly less shameless in our map promotion and give him a link to the settings? Tada!
Erk, great minds think alike! Except my idea isn't Pokemon themed, but something else. Either way, I'm looking forward to seeing how this turns...