Wow... someone came straight here from /b/ :p Or more likely ED
I played this map on Friday, and I have to say I was a little disappointed. It's essentially a camp fest. Shield doors are only of use if there...
This looks pretty damn good. I can definitely see the potential for some fun games there. The only thing I will say is that pic 6 makes the map...
CTIKFH Aaanyway, looks like a very nice map. I like the use of Trucks as a gameplay device. The aesthetics are also impressive. The only...
Eugh, this is the cancer that is killing FH! "Needs more interlocking" "MOAR interlock" etc. Not a personal attack on you...
This looks like a well made, well planned map. And it's on Epitaph to boot! I have just one question before the inevitable download: Do the...
Hey there. I got my connection sorted, so if you're on again, I'll be able to come and place rocket launchers and shotguns everywhere and ruin...
Just looked through your posts. I haven't neg-repped any of them. I haven't even been on most of the threads you've posted in. On another note,...
One must assume that if I gave you bad rep it's because you deserved it. However, I may be wrong. Link me, and I'll explain.
Ascension, Boarding Action, iTs NeXn'sChill Out, Damnation and Dojorkan's Outskirts are all dead links. And the Gemini Link takes you to the...
Looks pretty intricate. How does it play (my fileshare is full and I can't access my 360 at the moment to clear it a bit)? It certainly good to...
Don't suppose I could get an invite to the Infection weekly group could I? (By the way, I don't suppose you've played any games on Lights Out...
Looks pretty good. It's just a shame there are so few asymmetrical MG maps. But that's not for here. I'll definitely download, but what I can see...
Damn! You two have no idea how much I wanna stick my oar in and fight. Been ages since I've seen an argument with posts longer than a sentence XD...
Haha, congrats on the inevitable feature =P I didn't even realise you had a ForgeHub account (figured you stuck to
Ha, you're absolutely right XD And you also make a good point. You said yourself that it took you 10+ hours, and all those good maps I was...
It's just a map to everyone. Ok, to you, it's just your map. But nonetheless. When he said it needs more interlocking I'm fairly sure he meant...
I swear there is no "Neutral" flag any more. At least, I can't find it in the available options.
All thats needed to make a good Infection map is a bit of ingenuity. Thats the map. But in order to make the game itself good, you have to have it...
I've had a look at all five of your submitted Conflict maps (there are only five, right?), and I have to say, I'm impressed. Not only have you...