Thanks for the review and I will update it thank you very much and too be honest, I didn't plan with the Hawaii volcano from the start but I just...
Kilauea Creator: Vapour knuckles and AURORA JETEX Racetrack Name: Kilauea Map Name: Sandbox Gametype: RACETRACKS Description: This map...
Yea I understand why this isn't getting that high of scores because it doesn't stand out from the other racetracks but I just finished my new one...
Bastard I'm getting more competition for my new map. The map looks sick so nice job.
Well why do we believe in something that has no evidence that shows us it is real. I would rather not believe in something when there is no proof...
Nice map HJ I'm quite impressed, but like slik said the ending was kinda bad. Also I think next time add something special because I like an...
Yea I wanted to have a big drift turn but I never really knew that it makes it have less traction, I don't know why I turned it over in the first...
Yea lol but he isn't lying.
Thank you for the comments I'm glad you all liked it, I just hope that I can finish my other track which you guys will like "atheistic and an...
I'm sorry about the aesthetics I really wanted to add them but I didn't plan my ending of the track too well so I reached the object limit. I...
Nitrous Vapor Creator: Vapour knuckles Racetrack Name: Nitrous Vapor Map Name: Sandbox Gametype: RACETRACKS Description: This is my second...
Damn Shadow lol making me want to finish my map but I'm lazy oh if you could but can you show me how to geomerge perfectly because I don't really...
It doesn't seem that no one reads the description also just a warning before you use someone part of a track aka killer backflip I would pm him on...
that was really gay....
I have a question why are you even talking to me nor send me a video when you don't even know me.
actually i did it wasn't that great.
I'm a good friends of masta, and I loved this track for it's orginality and being one of the first racetracks out there, but I didn't quit expect...
Yea I want each track to be separate, anyways.
At the beginning just go to the view of me for a lap then do an overview and the next lap for example like this vid...