thats really cool. all the different arms and branches look really cool. i applaud you on such an original idea. also, wouldn't the ghost fall...
Ephermeral Ephermeral is an reverse symmetrical map i made last weekend. its good for slayer with teams of 3 to 5 or up to ten on FFA, though i...
thats areally cool idea, using the smoke to block sight and add and ambient affect. this one reminded me a lot of rig, as it's built outside of...
wow. very nice, i like the variety of the structures and how their laid out. ill give it a dl and test it out later. it looks awesome for 1 sided...
i dont really get it... theres a guy in a hog that just tries to splatter people on a road? hm. regenerating nades are definitely abad idea, and i...
it looks fantastic. instant dl. i really like the arch- thing that runs through the middle of the map. the merging is exquisite and in addition to...
ok, so theres a bunch of warthogs, which have turrets, and CHOPPERS, which can totally pwn mongooses if the driver is any good at all, versus some...
i'm not quite sold on this. it does look pretty unbalanced for the humans, and that they would just pwn the zombies. maybe you should make it so...
thanks for the advice guys. sorry about the pics, ill make sure my next one has them up right. thanks a ton a fluffy pillow, and ill try and make...
and i would do that how?
Well this is may first map ive thrown up here, its pretty basic, but i've had fun playing it and i hope you will too. and without further ado i...