i remember the v1 of this, i thought it was an iteresting map. it looks good, i don't really like the slat walls as floors but i guess that...
I like it. i've wanted to see amap like this for a long while, it looks fantastic. can't wait to play it. 5/5 for aesthetics alone, and super high...
Perhaps having a few breaks in the pipe and making some rooms w/ a little cover would ba nice, and maybe you could make it all comnnected so...
a while it was an inside joke way back in sixth grade, and i couldn't think of anything better to use for my gamertag that i wouldn't regret...
this looks pretty realistic, but i cant helb but think that it woulld be rather tricky to get a splatter against a player with 90 percent gravity...
umm... i'm not on my phone, so i guess not. what does the symbol look like? and i'm pretty sure you stole my name, not the other way around. :D
i like it, i love it, i want some more of it... this map is awesome. i really like the layout, this map is basically everything i've been trying...
it looks like it could be good, but all your pics are of the same area on either side, with the one in the middle? not really showing anything...
NEEDZ MOAR INTERLOCKZ! but seriously, this post was hilarious. at first i thought it was just a map with a very random design, then i could not...
Tis. is. freaking. awesome. the territories symblo in the middle is so cool, and the bases and rest of the map look exquisite. i haven't had time...
wednesday and thursday as in this lat wednes day and thursday? i would like to test it, but i can already tell you ther's not enough cover. you...
Lockout. that map never got old. and i also like valhalla and guardian. they're just straight up FUN. and im gonna be a loser and say sandbox....
i"m pretty sure they're not hatiing on your map, it's just that when you post all your maps so close together and mention in every one that you...
Holy Crap. That's all i can say. its beautiful. absolutely gorgeous. the hog ramp is awesome, the bulidings are easy to navigate, ahhh.. its just...
it looks pretty cool. i would also suggest using wedges or columns on the top of the tunnels, or even just adding a little cover and trying it...
this is awesome. i liked the first version with the larger (i think ) parking garage, but the wall looks so much better than using kill balls. ima...
okay then, ill fix it up w/ some merging and get it back up asap, ive been real busy this week so nothing has been done so ar. any suggestions on...
thats pretty awesome. the banshees would seem to be overpowereing, but youve obviously tested it and a s i have not, ill take your word that they...
To every one spamming for this or any other completely unrelated subject: Please, do us all a favor and cut it with the spam. There are three...
thanks, i was going to merge, but sadly i hit the object limit. i'll probably cut out some stuff and do that, i should have a v2 up within 2-3 weeks.