well, since you basically just turned a gauss hog into a tank, and have no anti vehichle weapons, whoever gets the warthog wins, as long as they...
exactly. also, though it's not required to make a map good, a little bit of merging can go a long way. if you don't know how to do this go to the...
just go to your recent screenshots on bungie.net and save them to your computer. and i would recommend fully finishing and testing your maps...
Welcome to Forgehub! I wish you an enjoyable stay. However, your post is not up to standards. You need at least 1 picture or video that shows what...
sorry, but i don't do spam and crap like this. sorry.
call me crazy, but I never really liked ivory tower on halo 2. this map does look great though, and maybe you'll change my mind. i'll give it a...
FTWURB? oh, until reach beta. got it.
halo ftw. mwahahaha!
what do you mean by discs breaking? and reach looks ballin.
amazingly sexy spam. anyways, i like the map, the gold column structure looks great, as does the back wall with the tin cups. this is what we...
also, most racetrack maps are made to be used withe the widely used racetracks or battletracks gametypes. for most racetrack maps a few simple...
Yes! you posted it! Please note that after realizing that 1 death equals game over on the regular mode, i swotched over to practice mode in the...
that does suck. i'm looking forward to reach so mah frendz will finally get off mw2 and play some halo.
exactly. everyone <3s it. it sucks.
nice. that's the problem, no one plays halo anymore cuz of mw2. it makes me sad. :(
just wondering, is there anything inside the farmhouse and can you get inside the wind mill? i can't tell from the pictures and my hard drive is...
No, i do not have the pleasure of owning that particular game. Halo is about all i do when it comes to videogames, as i really don't have that...
Do you know how awesome this is? i mean, do you truly know how great it is? i love it. being a hardcore zelda fan, i really don't care if you can...
seeing as shotty's are pretty much my favorite weapon next to sticks, i like this map. adding sticks into the would be a nice improvement, as well...
very interesting. my last name isn't half as cool.