Good there's a new version; the foundry version was escapable
Omg there's a snipah best map ever!! You've got a dl from meh. Very nice geometry.
Hi! Anyways, I have a question about the map. Is it one mao p? because if it is I have an idea for you. You could place a custom powerup in the...
I hope you do feel proud, as any achievement even the amount of posting a correct storyline and map should be rewarding.
This map deserves to have more time spent on it. Try neatening up the geomerging and general structure.
Maybe better/ more pics, and more of a description. No one sensible should download this not because it's bad but because we dont know if it is.
The centre of the tunnel has a big gap; that might be somewhat tedious, ruining gameplay.
I'm downloading this. Maybe more pics of the individual areas? Either way, I like the wat the building merges with that platform.
Even if it has been stolen, the original creator should claim credit for it. Also, people like me who haven't seen it before now get a chance to...
Very nice map, I like the size and the gameplay reminds me of guardian. Btw I <3 guardian. My one concer is that when I went through it in forge...
Ghost merging was slightly overused, yet I did the same on my first ghost merged map too.
Very fun map, only criticsm I have Is that one mancannon is broken (or was it just scenery?). I deleted the wall, and noticed that it sends you...
Cool idea, but it seems somewhat useless. On any map you could just place one, or make it not spawn inside barricades to fall. I have many drop...
I an sorry, I missread the rules. Wouldn't it be better to post it in off topic?
Wow,seems great. You've got a download from me. I've always loved the idea of a training map, as I know a lot of people that need one =3 I've...
Some criticism I can tell. Maybe you should try ghost merging your astethics, it's way easier. I know from previous experiences that shield...