The idea seems pretty original, but it seems like there is a lot of open space where you could've put more jumps and stuff. Seeing the picture...
It's good that you made this map on Guardian, but I think that it could still be escapable. And where do you go when you go in a teleporter? The...
This map looks pretty good besides the fact that I can't find a trainwreck in your map. If you name it "Trainwreck", you should probably put a...
Dude that's awesome! I like the skeet shooting the best. That's really creative. Good work! 5/5
Ah, very nice. I like the hallway.
I don't want to say that I have to agree with them... but I do... Good aesthetics and overall feel, but I'm not so sure about the actual racing
I think it's great, but the 1st climb may be a little too narrow. If you falll off, do you have to start over??
I think you did a good job making the wall not straight and the fireplace... lul.......But there are too many power weapons in that one room. Try...
I like the hallway with man cannons. Very fun, even though it pisses me off in like 4 minutes. I think you are above Foundry?? Suh-weet. Also, I...
Lolololololololololololololololololololololololololololololol.... ^^^^ Very nice.... what about the beginning spawns? Did you put those out there...
Nice layout but you could make some of the towers maybe a little bit taller just for variety.
Everything looks nice but maybe you could interlock the floors. I saw in some pictures that they weren't interlocked. 4.8/5
Good idea with the rolling wire spools as cover. I was gonna say something about not a lot of cover... but then I read that post you made. Very...
I like the things you put in it. It's a great map other than it is a bit sloppy in places.
Wow. That's good for your first post. There are a lot of weapons though.If you keep working hard, you'll be a really good forger one day.
I'm guessing you made the map "camp proof"?? Good, but still there have been many of these maps. Not very original.
The pictures don't work on my computer. Try fixing them and I will come back later.
This is really good for your first post here on forgehub. You could maybe make a v2 and interlock the things together. I like how there is a...
It looks good for not knowing how to interlock. But in v2, definitely make sure you do interlock everything you can and that you clean up some...
Why hello there!! =D