FEBRILITY Febrility is a map I made as a backup for the Forgetacular contest, but I didn't get it done in time for submission, so instead I...
I agree, this map looks more like a casual fun custom game map more than a competitive map. It still looks interesting, though.
Thanks. :) I'm hoping to get at lest 150 downloads, but it's not going so well D:
You would probably have to relink the map since it's not going to have the same URL.
Also the single walkway leading to one platform. It's a death trap I tell ya. I smell camping.
Yes, preferably all three. One straight path to the blue base like that is a bad idea, but it can be fixed by adding maybe a falcon, a...
You have url tags inside of img tags, try switching them around, or remove the url tags completely.
I haven't been online in a while but I'll be on tonight, if anyone is interested in playing a game of stockpile or multi-flag CTF on here. I'm...
your post wasn't deleted by a mod, it was edited to the original post via merge. Anyway, I just checked out this map, and I think it would be...
My friend and I checked out this map and it was actually pretty good, but kind of sloppy in some spots but that can be easily fixed.
Send me a friend request, ixi dmtgm ixi I'll be on later today and maybe up to early this morning, since it's Friday and all. Lol I've also...
Last night my friends and I had played on a bunch of maps I downloaded, this was one of them. Oddly, bits and pieces of it remind me of Construct...
I had the chance to play this map along with a few others I downloaded with a few friends tonight just before getting off, I really enjoyed it....
I never really liked the canvas map.. But since it's the invasion gametype I know it'll play way differently. I'd like to play it with you some...
No need for hostility now >_< You click on the 'edit' button, you can choose to go advanced if you want but it's not required. But you need to...
Thanks for the reply. And thanks for wishing me luck, I'll need it xD I have entered it in the SYMM section of the contest. I would very much...
This map could use some work, but I do like it. After running around for a bit, I noticed that it wasn't quite smooth enough. Good map nontheless,...
I'll look into it And I would like to have a 4v4 match on my map some time. Or maybe even a 6 player FFA game. I am also currently in the process...
Thanks for the feedback vLegit. That's exactly why I put those walls there ;) I was debating on putting the shotgun there, but I had issues in...
Looks like an interesting concept.. I haven't been able to download the map yet, I'm in school still. But by looking at the pictures I can see a...