you need a map link to make it up to forgehub standards. You have 24 hours to fix it
Im tired of all the old switches. Like bridges and doors and walls. Thats old news. I need a new idea for a switch cuz right now im workin on this...
ideaz needed Im tired of all the old switches. Like bridges and doors and walls. Thats old news. I need a new idea for a switch cuz right now im...
i kno this has been used before but i wanted to show it with the chopper cuz its the coolest way. It can also be used for elevators but its alot...
Hey y'all this is a switch that i thought of when I was makin my map Hills Of The Dawn. It is a bassic procedure that I find is easy to make but...
The overshields are alil bit of an advantage they only last for like 5 seconds so its all good.Actually i used some interlockin but for my next...
Hey everyone I was in Florida for a week but now im back and I have this sweet new map for you. It is bassed on SWAT as you can see by the title...
Hey guys i am back from florida and i have like 4 maps comin and they are all S.W.A.T. maps and theyre lookin pretty good so again i will post...
hey darksoul you should add me on live and ill find the time to show you how i made it aight. My GT is Old Rumple and if you could tell me yours i...
I was actually goin to build a whole other building outside for the zombie spawn but ran out of money so instead i had to do what i did and put...
Dude man if you want pics go to and type in your gamertag your pics will be there and you just copy and paste and full size....
SRY bout the double post thing its just that i didnt really kno and i couldnt wait to post my bridge. and by the way what does infract mean Hey...
I kno this isnt one of my best maps and yes it is sloppy but trust me ive made better before i was on this site and i delete them by accident so...
no actually its the destination area where you would get off but its only the bridge its not like a whole map but this can be used in infection...
SRY bout that guys its just that i forgot the haloscreenshots thing so i had to use bungie but thanks for tellin me me the link for the site i...
This bridge idea is really helpful and may have been seen before but i just thought of it not long ago.My friend was workin on a map of his and...
This map is fairly good for infection and can be good for other games like slayer too. This map is all about getting away from these zombies that...
Hey y'all this is my first post and im just showin you my new map on sandbox. It's called foundation. It is a remake of the halo 2 map FOUNDATION....