hey were waiting plz get on
look i read the post and maybe sunday my playings will always be on weekends due to school but anyways i will try sunday the day im free but sat...
oh thats cool ill talk to my partner but most likely well lose again hey if we lose will we be out of the tourney
lol thats stupid not to be reticuling your idea i just dont see that
or a type of door that requiures teamwork like one team member wuld need to stay in a certain spot 4 the team but someone needs to get to the...
i know 101 really didnt help except the geo-merge vids
yah Jasonyo i sent one to ya and im not saying im bad at interlocking im saying its good to have at least 2 ppl with the same talents
thx guys but wat i relly need help in is the interlockin and geomerging but the idea is set out
hey im new to FH and i need help with this map idea i had its a competetive map so if ya want send me a Friend Request my GT is ElementaLegend...
Im new here i joined today and thought i would just let the community know im here
i do not know any other method except the doors on top and teleporters surronding dont blame me (i just started to learn how to Geo merge today)
What i think is the best (for me) is that i use teleporters and doors on top method i do not know anyother method