Would this be necrobumping, and if it is, I'm sorry. Now that that is aside, you could have used Standoff, if you didn't mind the fact of not...
Name:Goldberg Video: Video 1 Video First Person Video Omnipotent Map: Goldberg I agree with the ToS: Yes
One, Fat Kid sucks. Two, The map was created with poor technique. Three, it needs more obstacles. Four, make the obstacles actually mentally...
Yeah. But, it would be bad if someone shot them... Also, how do you make the teleporting doors of awesomeness.
An awesome map. No real comments on how to make it better. Now for the caption: Holy crap! Your frikin hand is cut off at the arm! No, I just have...
Ok... what are you on? The robot was for aesthetics, and COVER, and OVERSHIELDS. Next question: What does WAT THE CREEPY HANDS mean? Number 3: I...
Yes, the tele-doors are creative, but.....how do you make them? I am kind of a noobzie when it comes to things like this. I mean, I can interlock,...
Wow... that was set up. If you couldn't tell that, then I don't know what to do to help you...
Holy Shiitake, a map NOT on Foundry. I am amazed. Well, I congratulate you on using a Non-DLC map also. I admire the work you put into making the...
Meh. You have to embed the pictures within 24 hours of the post I am placing. If you do not, the thread will be locked. Please, nobody post on...
Retribution Created by minato GT:Kyuubi Shippo in Collaberation with Sesshomuru GT: Sesshomuru Supported Gametypes: Slayer Map Description The...
Three... Two... One... Zero. You are a freaking great forger for your first map on FH. My question, though, is what do you mean, the map Exire....
This map looks like it would be fun to play, and I agree with K3V1N, the center structure is interlocked beautifully, but I disagree with him...
This looks like an awesome map. The middle pathway/catwalk looks like it would be a very compacted area of fighting. The only thing I can do to...
You claim that even those "Crafty Bastards" won't find a way out. I will. Trust me. I have my ways. I will get out, make a video of it, and put it...
It actually isn't that small, so you should actually check out a map BEFORE you post comments like this. I know it is a VERY strange idea, but...
This looks like it would be a very... interesting map, but I am not into these kinds of maps. I do give it a 6/5, because of those D4/\/\N speech...
So, in theory, if you brought the entire coding of Halo 3 onto your computer using, say, an Explorer360, you could sift through the files until...
Good job, Sesshomuru. It should be impossible to get out (since I am the one who fool-proofed it) . The floor could have been interlocked, but...
Hey, thank you, Sesshomuru. You are one of the only people that hasn't told me to add more cover. I flmking hate it when people say a map sucks...