Like i said i'm working on smoothing out the castle, i;m doing it floor by floor, i couldn't work on it today because i was testing out trenches...
yea, i do not think so...colorcoding these boxes would probably eat up any life i have left...and as for the sloppyness...i am working on it, but...
ok, i have read your posts, and i WILL make a V2, and i will alter the mountain, possibly put some spawns on it, and outside of the
Trenches S39 (NEWLY ALTERED) ok, so i just spent from 2am - 7 am building this There are 3 bases, but the defenders start with 2 bases, the 2...
it looks like a very aesthetic natured map, but also a playable one...i will edit this post with my review later on... Based on pics: 8.7/10...
well, i'd be glad to make a V2 on this, with or without you...i'd be interested in altering some things... btw, my rating from an early game 7/10
ok, i'll try to smoothe it out on the outside, i'll update the castle in the "new altered version" link... EDIT: I have fixed a number of...
i'll download and play it with some friends.....i'll be back with my rating
well, i fixed the pic and description problems on both threads i please download and rate.... Edit: I may get back to work on this,...
It's a little rough, but this castle is 4 floors tall, the map has 3 bases, the castle has an "underground" there are little...
Death Labrynth So i made this maze like brain teaser infection map, you start out and you have to work your way through the maze, while avoiding...