An overshield spawns under the double wall. Maxed them out in height like you said.
[IMG] Links: Renegade YouTube - Fustoms Friday 7/17/09 (The first map in the video, credit goes to H3ITWP) Description: Renegade is a large...
Personally I don't know as I got that made for me by a friend. Anyway with the feedback from thebungie verse the world playlist I have changed...
I think you have too many grenades and you should only ever stick to two types so maybe you should remove the spike or plasma grenades.
Haven 2.0 This is the major update which I have been talking about. It features a complete rebuild of the map which uses alot of the default...
Not sure about the spawns some are very close together so if a player spawns they are just looking at a wall in front of them. You want to have...
Thanks for all the feedback. The issue with the mongoose spawns has been fixed aswell as the problem with the "flickering". The reason that the...
When playtested the misslepod was only effective when the warthog/chopper was driving around on the sanddunes. When the vehicles are driving on...
Thanks for the feedback, Its like a larger version of Sanctuary but more vechicle friendly.
[IMG] Important Links: Fileshare: Haven Youtube: For easy viewing Version 5 Description: Haven is a symmetrical map which is desgined to...
A very good respentation of the wheelmen medal. Good work.
I never thought of making the hole a circle so I might try that. However its not going to be easy but I can give it a shot. Mancannons also spawn...
[img] Believe me I ran out of objects and cash. Its meant to be a mini game map for the last man standing with warthogs. Push your foe into the...
Almost finished, Its pretty much a warthog demolition derby map. [IMG] Its a circular map but the circle gets tighter and tighter until...
Try combing elites with Spartans or just elites with elites. There's way to many Spartans showing up and you could switch up the colours as seeing...
Looks pretty neat. The fact that hes not directly in the middle of the picture makes it look better.
Im surprised how everyone loved the fact that's theres warthogs on the map even halotracks enjoyed the hogs on the map. Thanks for the continued...
I am a master wheelmen and I think im approaching the 20,000 wheelmen medals mark. How did you know that? :P Could you please send me a link...
Well we were trying to escape from another hog shooting at us so I tried to drive through the middle by the ghost spawn but we fell through the... Video The game stats [IMG] A captain always goes down with his ship. [IMG]