Name: - Synapse Download Link:- Synapse Players:- 4vs4 This map is aimed that 4vs4 slayer and objective. This map promotes fast agressive play...
This will be extremely useful for people wanting to forge invasion maps and hopefully inspire people to make them.
Thanks. Tried to include as much natural colour as possible using grass to water then to sand with rocks as cover in various places :p
[IMG] Map Summary: The idea behind this map was to create it around a theme of a water/hydro powerplant. The map is desgined so 4vs4 can be...
Opps, my bad. Fixed :p Thanks. That was the aim so that aerial combat is balanced with combat on the ground. Here's some old gameplay from...
This is due to forgeworld as all the spawns and objective items will make the map flash and lag in places. Custom games will really test if theres...
I originally had the plasma launcher instead of Rockets but you got far too many shots with that and it could lock onto players and the warthogs...
Yea don't get me wrong as I'm not accusing you of stealing anything lol. Great minds think a like. The jump I'm referring too is the jump that...
I personally love the aesthetics, I had a blast playtesting this and loved it for CTF. Very fast paced and intense battles with little to no spawn...
I see some features here which are like my relic map :p Anyway quite a few of the jumps are missing especially the quick jump that allows you to...
The lack of cover on the middle structure is intentional as I didn't want that area to be too overpowered or very easy to hold. It's more to give...
[IMG] Downlaod Links: Renegade v3 Map Summary: This is a adaptation of my Halo 3 Map. The idea behind this map was to have more maps with...
Now this is one of those maps that I can consider a true remake as it's pretty much exactly like the original. When you load it up you instantly...
Very professional looking logo. If Reach has a playlist like action sack which was in Halo3 I would love to see RevBall in it. Especially since...
Thank You. The final version v5 I now have the final version of this map finished that now has a working 2-way portal system. It's a really easy...
This actually plays really well as we just played a few games of it. The fact that there is no Honour Rules means that this extremely playable and...
I originally had the base more or less like that but that area of the gulch was too narrow for the sniper tower and the base structure and the...
You have captured the ionic piece of this map which was the wheel. However there's some pieces missing which are vital for gameplay such as the...
Glad you guys are enjoying it. It seems smaller in the middle were the bridge and turret is. I've checked this in Halo with KoTH markers and then...
Nice to see you post this on here. I've playtested this map a few times now and it's definitely unique and plays well with slayer. The filter and...