Nice map, I like that floating thing. The discriptions are great, that really helps me visualize the map better than pics alone can.
Great map. Looks like some good time was put into it. Good for MLG.
Although I'm not a MLG fan I'll check this out. Looks well planned, I like the alleyways they give me good feelings.
Yeah I'll have to play it but it seems like it was planned well, though basic. I don't understand why basic is bad. If it is true that this map...
Yeah you guys I think it only takes one post to get the point across that the pics are too small! Enough of that, the map looks great. Looks...
Its a good map with great interlocking, but the spaceship and the moonwalk seem to be the only places put into detail. 4/5
Oh wow this is professional work. You had to have planned alot and that's one thing but to be able to forge that is great. That grin is killer.
Wow insane geomerging. Great work!
Sounds fun. I like that kind of stuff... The tunnels make me kinda dizzy though.
Wow this looks really fun! Dl'n now.
Yeah resembles paintball alot... I want to play it. Very cool though I've been thinking about making a map like that before but I'm beat lol.
Creative idea! Really cool. Kinda like those times when you're younger and you just wish you had a jungle with treehouses and wooden paths...
Yeah those sexy lights are turnin me on. I think I might take that. lol great map. Good layout, nice sexy lights.
The merging is a little sloppy... do you use walls and stuff for markers? But besides that the layout seems great, and you have some awesome...
Great merging and great work with the stairs. Seems like a great 2v2 map.
Insane map dude dlin now. Gives off an insane urban feel. Great work. 5/5
Yeah you guys came down on him HARD. But, besides that this map looks very well layed out. It was built very well without interlocking, which is...
Yeah this is an excelent map, gives me good vibes. Just a little open in that first pic. Overall great map.
I like the ideas here, but the ground's kinda too open for me... but that's cool. Interlocking is good,
Holy crap the structure is wicked... Just a little bland over by the man cannon and truck. 4/5