ok thts awsome
ok thanks ill probs invite you guys tommarrow to help me. thanks ok i will tommarrow
ok yeah i think i accepted. i wont be on til tommarrow though. if i am now, then my friend is on my account. no biggy but sometimes his older sis...
well let me know if you want to join. if you have a few people in a lobby we can get together and i will let you have us test play some maps
hey everyone. i have just started working on a map. really its in construction but i need a lot of help to make it more that just an aesthetic...
Hey guys, havnt really talked at all on hear for a while but I dont wanna get off topic. Soooooooo, I have been having lobby issues lately. I...
ok well thanks anyways. lesson is never give the password out and save the videos
hey just wanted to talk a little. first off you know that forge skyscraper tutorial i made for you? well when your featuring it, if you include my...
do you take forge tutorials as well because i am a youtube person from retirement gaming industries and my part is to do forge maps and tutorials....
this looks very interesting. ive never heard of of customized team hot shot so i would like to see how this plays. just a quick question, once you...
im going to make some forge tutorials for my channel and this one will be villages. i think it may help you out a lot so once i make it i will...
hey, i just saw one of your posts on a tutorial or help with making skyscrapers. well if you still need to, then your in luck cause i made a...
hey everyone. just wanted to share a forge tutorial with all of you here today. this tutorial will cover how to make skyscrapers kinda like the...
*awsome, auto correct hahaha
Wsome, thanks dude
hey just wanted you to see the video i made for a skyscrapers tutorial. also heres the link- Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details heres the...
thanks ill see what i can do about the pictures
Yeah Mabey tonight
did you look at it yet?
alright me and my friend ShardSlayer just finished the map for you guys. heres the link. i added some stuff and some really nice skyscrapers....