ezekeil your are so right (Rep for you) If any of you posting on this thread think i should post a guide on how to do this effect say (Skittles do it)
PLease get off my Back about not posting how to do this effect
No it is not photeshopped click on heavenly army for link to bungie for proof
Thanks. i might change pose next time
Hi its me again Heavenly skittles coming to give you more screenshots to enjoy. So Here is my latest and greatest Heavens Army [IMG] Created by me...
And u may want to add link to bungie
Very nice contrast of the colors. the white from your armor gets reflected by the explotion 5/5 and rep for u
(No effects were uses in the making of the screenshot) It was taken on the map called Dread castle I found it randomly when playing with friends!...
Yes but forge hub is mostly about helping people become better forgers not picture takers that why its called FORGEhub
I would love to tell you all how to do thise effect but....... i am sworn to secrecy its a closely guarded secert. but i can tell you if you close...
!Hello forgehub Viewers! Here is some more pictures from the one the only Heavenly Skittles -Insert aplues here- And yes for everone this is not...
update: screenshot now has link to bungie.net
Update: Screenshot now has link to bungie pic
Great quess everone hint: its not a mnacannon or hornet
o i like the carbine
I was messing around with my friends And when i went into theater I found this effect :confused:Try to figure it out:confused: Linky [IMG]
Thanks for feback guys
Ok i will get to work on the v2. and please tell me what you think will map this map better
Well I've have been making infection maps on those old classic maps, and decided to make one on Construction. Hope you guys enjoy! Weapons...
Thanks guys