=9 very nice!!! did you use my guide? love the use of soccer balls. the reverse one is pretty cool also overall 4/5 my man
ooo love the golfball!!!!! overall very nice 3.5/5
Looks pretty sweet. i like the last one the best,
Ya man sorry to say but... it sorta stinks... I don't get the name what so ever.
Very nice work. although the first one is fairly easy to do you did a great job captureing it's full awesomeness
Very nice screenshots! I loveee the first one, it looks like it's a recording from a camera or something:p very nice indeed
Hmm very cool screenshots. I know how you did the first one and it's pretty smart lol. one question tho? what rooms are the ones with all black in?
well if someone wanted them to be recognized they would post them thereselves... So...well you get it
argh! another picture taken by someone else and posted by you. why!!!!!!!! why must you do this.
dude stop posting other peoples Pics! It is really rude. ive seen this many times before...
Nice try on the first pic. Its very nice and origanel. Let me guess you used my guide =)
nice! 9/10 I know how you did this =) its outside of coldstorage right... Spike grenade?
Thank you Brandomansuit! You saw what the pic was supossed to be! Gratz!
hmmm very nice. But there has been soooooo many of these type of shots. it gets boring after the 3rd one.. Srry but overall 3.5/5
man... you guys are no fun(no offense) you missed the whole point of this Screenshot!... Its a funny screenshot... ok look at all the kung fu...
Hello people! Ok me and my friends were messing around on avalanche and when i died i go this, hope its funny to you guys to lol Pic, Linky will...
yes it works with elite and moniters to. =) and yes acoupletrees is right on
Ok How you do it? Looks great but you only need to tell use how to do it.
its ok............ The guitar and bass dont look like a guitar or bass and the singers mic is wayyyyy to high. the drums are ok... Overall 2.5/5
there is only one word for this. LOL Great Shot! the second one ties in the first one Awsome!