There are some points that allow for getting out. The soccer ball is the main problem. It can be moved anywhere and allows for a higher jump. It's...
I'll probably pull a few action shots and action video's as soon as my CR buddies get online.
If you die first you can call vengeance. Truthfully, in almost every CR game I've played. By round 5 I was kicking ass at spawning as a prisoner...
:P Just get better friends. Even if the honor rules don't work out, it's still funny because you can laugh at the situation. Almost every...
Thanks :D It's not the best it could be. I started this morning. Maybe six hours put into it? But it looks nice and serves its purpose, right?
The map is called switch because it works as a gigantic switch. Switch= an object in-game usually not variable used so that it becomes a variable...
Normal cops and robbers game basically. You do as the Cops (blue zombies) say. They will call you by name, at this point you must crouch and stay...
Not my best work of literature, but I felt I should at least flare up the map description xD
To Be Played With My Cops + Robbers Varient= : Community : Forum Topic Listing Storyline: I hated this jail cell. Hated these...
I usually merge a box together with the weapons inside of it. This hides it. However, this looks more like he merged a weapon holder inside the...
Can I use this to make all gametypes supported and repost it?
Quite frankly, I think it's too crowded. Some of the interlocking was done to form interlocking, not to make any considerable use to it. A lot of...
Nice. The game-play is fun. I say it is because I've played this before on various maps. I'm not saying it isn't an original idea, because it...
I'm trapped in the boxes. I'm at the part where I can walk forward and I could crouch down but it won't allow me to. Until this point it was fun....
I'm thinking about version II. But I really like this one as it stands. I'm probably going to move onto a new project soon. Be rooting for me :D
Yes. The compartment (grav-lift room) is a little tricky if it's your first time playing. But generally you can get out quickly. It's fast paced...
I'm very happy with this map after playing a full game on it. I didn't quite think it'd be that fun. But it was an exilerating game for any...
:P Truthfully, I have seen clean roofs. It's just I wasn't trying to win any awards. Just wanted to make a fun map. And the shotgun spawn isn't as...
Haha, have you ever seen a roof that isn't messy? Yes, that is the roof of the turret room.The pallet is bent like that to allow pure luck to drop...
Me too. I didn't spend near enough time on making everything look perfect. But most of them imperfections are actually useful. Such as hiding...