You know what this looks really awsome and I csnt wait to try it out but may I ask one thing Arent the penguins kind of on death row, i mean the...
to response to a dumb cat thank you for noticing that lol it seems like today that nobody ever pays attention to anything else but infection maps...
hmmm i dont think I knew about tat thanks for telling me i will definitly get on to it
thats my old map i made that was tghe raw version of this map i was the creator of crystal genesis
what program did you use for the layout???
I told you I only posted that map because I dodnt know else to put into the map
also i dont know if i already mentioned it or not but please if someone has the time to make me a video of this map and post it on you tube then...
Ok sorry about that everyone, my forgetfullness strucked agian The link is now working
Golden Productions Presents Trinitary Trinitary is my latest map. It is the second version of my map Crystal Genesis (Crystal Genesis was my...
thsank you man
Thasnks man but when will you get back to me???
spawn points ????? I put spawn points thier, but thier on the slayer gametype
In a good or bad way??
Ok well it seems like what I thought would happen....didnt happen So I am now asking what your guys oppinion on anything else I should add to it...
this looks really cool and it actually gave me an idea for a new map dont worry but looking at the window panels made me think of a great idea for...
Read the comment that I just posted and youll find out why
Well This is exactly why I have about $300 stille able in forge And I have no clue what else I could do So I posted it and wala, people are...
umm I dont know if its just me but the outside looks like it will be a great map but from the inside its very messy, though its probably very good...
what do you mean great for "TS" wait ...Team Slayer???
GOLDEN PRODUCTIONS PRESENTS CRYSTAL GENESIS V1.3 By: Sk8volcom12 [IMG] This is the raw layout of my newest map Crystal Genesis. This is version...