I think that has to do with "place at start" that we all know from interlocking. He probably did not set the boxes back to place at start, but...
I would add more features, possibly add some cover and make this into a regular map with guns. For what you designed it for though, it looks...
Overview Pics would be nice.
Wow. It's things like this that keep forging alive and well. Great job, a lot of forgers owe you a map on the house.
Looks great, refined structure. I love the rotation of the whole map to be wider and shorter and the differences between the "A" and "B" sides...
Take more time on neatness and interlocking and this would be a great map. 3/5
Nice job, but I would make the middle a little more substantial. 4/5
Very Nice! I think top center may be too powerful, but that might just be me. Neat interlocking, good design, and great playability. 4.5/5
I loved this before the feature, and still love it. I think this is great as an MLG map for FFA or King gametypes, slayer can become a camping...
Nice, looks interesting. Tip: if you want to see how many BRs you put down, just go into forge and press "X" twice when you are in the item...
One word: Interlocking. (Look at "forging 101" for an excelent tutorial)
The design is good, but I'd take some time to neaten it up a bit. Also I think a great improvement would be to replace the center sheild door with...
Great Job, always need more MLG CTF maps. 5/5 Great job making the map in the first place although some on Xbox Live don't realize that Bungie...
Looks good, but big pics would be nice.
The pics are too close! I cant really get a feel of what the map is like just from your post.
I like all the odd angles you used, none of this boring 90 degree stuff. I think it gives the map a sense of size and impoves gameplay. 4/5
Good Job, but thi map could be greatly improved through the use of geo-merging and some other forging techniques.
Looks nice, but I don't like maps that are too cramped. I'll have to try this one out and see if it is. Good job looks like good interlocking.
Map looks neat, I'll give it a try and tell you if I like the gameplay, because the forgemanship looks good.
Nice job but I'd suggest adding more features to the map, not just empty space. I think this has the potential to be a top notch map if you add...