you have 8 unposted maps...
I hope yu can post your new maps soon. I realize playtesting has been complicated
Ok, ill leave him alone. For your sake. But he called me gay and i'm gonna get him for that.
WOW, i'm appalled at how this ship seems to be a near enough copy of another ship map. Even the names are the same. I do think this map has many...
Theres another ship map copying this. From the name of the thread to the shelves in the armory to the map description! It's called ORION: UNSC...
U Gotta Hurry Up!!
ur pics don't work. Maybe it's jsut my computer.
You'd better post your next map soon! I can't wait much longer!!!
Hurry up with that competative map! It's taking you forever!!
DUDE Shut the f__k up and go back to whatever you do when you don't randomly bug other people.
Whoops, double post!
its true. He spend hours on it so it's newbie for your friend to steal it! Tell him to go make his own ownage map!
I like it!!
Yeah Eyeless Sid made this 3 stars. I've played here and just about everything is interlocked, everything that HAS to be anyway. he's mean.
Shut up sid. This map is actually very fun. I love the roof and the vents. Ur jsut whining for no reason cheezbob did nothing against you he...
ok? show me one other map called Haunted Mansion. You have a point i guess... O_o
I like this better than The Falcon. It's bigger, looks more impressive in my opinion, has more rooms, and doesn't use teleporters.