no pics?
Looks F.u.n Fun!
looks like good practice,seems as i am going laser taggin today for my bday party!and when i am at the laser tag place i will get out of the...
looks like sonething fun to do when youi are bored
looks FUN!
Looks Fun!
poor moles :'( lol
looks fun,but i would like to see a pic of the entire court
also instead of Basketbomb i would have named it bombsketball after the mario party minigame:)
or try a and b signs
maybe for the backboard use something other than a wall,its seems a bit too big,try interlocked windows.
This looks fun!Everyone secretly wants to bash barney in the face with a hammer!
Fun but rough floors,try more interlocking also,did u make the plasma nades spawn right after their destruction,i seem to have ran into a problem...
also,what is the shenlong dragon penalty box for?it looks cool though
Fun!only problem was the shield doors kept people up for longer so you have to wait a while to get points after u knock off the other person
Awesome.DOWNLOADED!very rewarding when you snipe the humans :)
or fuel rod gun?
looks fun,you may have my Dl, even though i prefer mini game maps
a wild guess,but is the secret weapon a grav hammer or spartan laser?
sorry,no links?