wow this is the greatest map EVAR!i think i just came.......
WOW,i wanted to make a map like this,you should have put a pilon for a menacing horn at the front. I only found one flaw in it,the noob known as...
If you are going to steal a map,at least give credit to the REAL creator, or a better idea.............DONT STEAL MAPS!
IM KEEPING THIS POST ALIVE!mainly because i loved shaun of the dead, ypu should make some more shaun of the dead maps
this looks good except for 3 things, has already been made,with custom powerups in the corners,i did not see any pics of custom...
mike,sarges can kill other sarges,plus as long as no one goes for the corner hidin sarge he wont get many points
Thta's crazy!I L O V E the concept of a map at an angle, you have my download.
YOU HAVE MY DOWNLOAD!i like the looks of this.and i like the no spawn camping thing.
i picked sargeball because sarge hates grif so it was easy to set up I decided SargeBal instead of ChurchBall or TuckerBall or DonutBall...
well then its a good thing i wrote those first three sentences, hey linubidix?
it works best on the SargeBall court, but it may work with other maps, i haven't tried yet, my guess is it probably will.
Do you like Grifball? Do you hate Grifball? Well that doesn't matter because this is..................SARGEBALL! The objective is simple, it is a...
lol tennis on halo.i can just imagine it.THEY SCORED!CRAP!im gonna go shoot someone instead lol, but yeah, fun game
cool map!it kinda reminds me of mine,but its big,lol
I Like The Pit In The Middle!
Yes goose,i agree, but the point remains, hot sauce is delicious
........i like infection........sad_squirrel(i dont know how to do the squirrel thing right yet lulz
DONT BE TOO BRUTAL!?this map kicks ass!
lol?thats it?just lol?no rofl?lol does not meet forgehub least a rofl please.but seriously,you need pictures and a description of...
looks kinda cool