yeah baby send me a FR GT:IVI I IL IL A R
dude are you Scottish or is that name got no meaning to it?
I hope Recon will be ultra-hard (like my fireman) to get so wee boys dont take a million pictures entitled My Recon and yes Recon will die out!...
av signed up for the same test as you. see you there ya square
sorry didnt read that message and reviewed again with big colours {sad face} Il edit them
okey doke So if priests like little boys, does the Pope gag over a foetus?
Please research Edinburgh or Stirling Castle in Scotland and do that please. Il orgasm if you do.
awwww man i like egging priests they seem to get turned on by me doing active sports....and i make moneys
omfg this looks epic the layout is good, the castle is aeshetically pleasing, gameplay sounds so....interesting and unique definite dl but I...
Also, I was wondering how come I got accepted so fast? Other people have been waiting weeks before getting accepted.
thanks for the time convertor thingy ad like to join this racing league yur talkin bout, sounds as fun as throwing eggs at a priest
I made an unposted map like this and for the landing mechanism, I place a horizontal shield door where the warthog would land and the warthog fell...
Nice, clean, however not original. Its basically the same as any other. For a v2, try maybe everyone on a mongoose and a racetype course. Also,...
definite dl mate, its looks fun, very imaginative and can be greatly expanded for a v2 couple a things to add or try: equipment to spice it up,...
Well, being perfectly honest with you mate, its not the best map i've seen but with a v2 this is promising. Ships are big hits in the aesthetic...
man i read somewhere that you have some scottish blood in you im scottish man an am lookin for US forgers to play with, fancy a game? My GT is IVI...
r u americana or britianic?
jis wanted to add yuo coz ur Irish and im Scottish we r cool
thanks and also the pics are just European humour so uts likely Americans wouldn't laugh thanks for dl-ing and its good to see a girl here (if...
well it could be worse............could have put some naughty prophets n hunters gettin it on with Kenny G in the background