Yea sure thing. I have work the next couple of days, but i should be able to get on for at least a little bit
Hey dude, i thought i'd give you a little more of what you're looking for, since i was extremely vague in my other post. Special Preferences:...
Hey dude. I was wondering if that offer for a flythrough that you gave me was still good? I'm not sure if you have other things goin on, but if...
@JustMad: Good stuff, i'm glad you liked it. @Phreakie: Awesome, a flythrough vid would be pretty sick. I'm currently working on the spawns, and...
@Lightsout: thanks for the praise dude, i'm glad that you like it from first glance. Any more feedback you may have after playing it would...
Good stuff, i'm glad you like it. I will be releasing a v2 shortly over on the MLG forums, which is gonna address a couple of spawning issues, and...
Map Vote: Synopsis Reason: Forging is absolutely perfect, and aesthetically pleasing. From seeing this map from the beginning stages, i have seen...
Yea, the boxes are a ***** to colour code. And sure, just link me to the thread in a PM once your map is complete, and i'll check it out.
Awesome man, hope you enjoy it when you get the chance to play. Yea, 2v2 is definitely a blast, and if i may, i would definitely reccomend 2v2...
I actually posted this a couple of days ago over on the MLG forums, and didnt get around to posting the map here until just recently, since the...
Thanks again for forging the design Phuria :) I'm glad that a couple of people are already mentioning the gameplay, which is what i designed the...
Thanks for all the feedback so far. I'm glad that the first impressions are good. As for the Camo/Sniper spawn timers, the way they are really...
Alpine Version 2 Hello all. For all of you who have been following this map loyally from the get go, I apologize for how long it took me to get it...